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Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Catching Up

I've posted some random things recently but I realized I never updated about the big wedding!

7/16/11 was wedding day. We were really worried how the weather would hold out but we were so lucky. Not only did the rain hold off until the very end, but there was even a great breeze going through the yard so we weren't sweating to death. The day was beautiful, the flowers were gorgeous, the whole yard was decorated stunningly...I literally couldn't have asked for a better wedding!

It didn't come off without a hitch though...we certainly did have some challenges! First of all, the wind was great for the heat, but not so great for the decorations. 30 minutes before the ceremony, the tablecloths flew off the tables, the curtains on the gazebo fell down, and all the paper lanterns that took hours to hang were flying off left and right! It was kind of awkward, but my helpers were still putting everything back together as the guests were arriving. It wasn't quite the calm, romantic entrance for my guests as I had hoped for, but I was still able to watch from inside the house as my guests arrived and were blown away by the gorgeous ambiance. I remember seeing some of my friends walk in and go crazy at how beautiful it was. They didn't know I was watching from inside, but that was a special moment for me. I worked REALLY hard on this wedding so I was so happy to see people appreciate how well it turned out.

About 1.5 hours after the reception started, the clouds started rolling in and it did sprinkle for a bit. We really thought it was going to pour rain very soon so the wedding ended earlier than we expected. Nate and I didn't get a first dance. :( My dad and I did though, and that was something really special to us.

I, of course, was a teary mess from the second I walked down the aisle, until the ceremony was over. Nate and I wrote our own vows and I was really impressed with the words he wrote. He's such a good man!

Overall, the wedding was amazing and so beautiful, and it was awesome to be surrounded by so many friends and family. We are married!

The last week has been spent waiting for hours in different lines trying to get my name changed. The social security office is downtown, but I was lucky to only have to wait 1 hour once I got there. Cale was a DOLL. I could not believe how good he was while we were there. The DMV line...not so much. 3 1/2 hours total is how long that line took. Ridiculous! Thank goodness Nate was able to stay home with Cale while I braved the DMV cause that would have been a nightmare. But everything has now been changed and I am officially Michelle Carlson.