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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The 'C' Word.

Is it really that naughty to call someone the 'C' word? Cause I reallllllllllly want to call Nate's sister that right now. This week has been so insane and exhausting and I'm just ready to get it over with and move on with my life!

In December, Nate and I moved into his sister's tiny little basement when she asked us to help her with her mortgage because she was going through a divorce. The agreement was that we would pay her $500 a month flat rate (I know, AWESOME right?!) and we would stay for 1 year. As cheap as $500 sounds, her basement is 500 sq ft at the most, so it's really barely worth the $500, but it's still been nice to have cheap rent. Between Nate's uncle and us, we put in over $3,000 worth of money into this basement to make it liveable, and now that money is going out the window. Today marks exactly 5 months since we moved in and it has been hell. Corra is a disgusting pig. Her house is always filthy, and I mean filthy. She didn't own a vacuum, disinfectant spray, or even a broom when we moved in. It was that nasty. She has a son who is 7 months older than Cale and when he throws his food on the kitchen floor she just leaves it there for days, and eventually Cale picks it up and tries to eat it. SICK. So I went out and bought her a new broom, all new cleaning supplies etc and I have spent hours cleaning up her filth over the last 5 months, only to have her gross it up the same day. I'm so over it! OH - and the nastiest part of all of it, is that when she changes her son's dirty diaper, rather than putting the diaper in the trash outside, she puts it on our front door step until about 10 of them accumulate over the week, and then she throws them out. VOMIT!

She has the audacity to complain about things we do around the house though! It's "okay" when she leaves her filthy stuff all over, but if Cale leaves a toy upstairs she goes ape shit. On more than one occasion I have opened a window to let the house air out on a pretty day and she went NUTS that the windows were open. (Although she leaves them open all the time.)

So finally she texted Nate a few weeks ago and told him that we had to start paying for utilities. I told her hell no and we got in this huge argument. Yesterday it got really bad and we had quite the argument. I told her that I didn't want to live in her nasty house any more and that we were leaving. So Nate and I went and found an apartment yesterday and today we packed up the basement. We are moving Saturday! Good riddance!


There. I said it! :)