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Thursday, May 19, 2011


This week has been SO frustrating!

Let me give you a little background:

I have naturally blonde, curly hair which I have straightened for around 10 years. Sometimes I still wear it curly but you have to be a pretty special person for me to let you see it curly. ;) Although I am naturally blonde I have been a brunette for many years now, only going blonde once in a while. I always color my hair myself because for some reason my hair doesn't react well to professional coloring. It always ruins my hair, which is actually okay with me because coloring it myself looks good and is way cheaper!

As for the straightening...The problem with straightening curly hair is the breakage that comes with it. Ugh. My hair is usually pretty healthy but for some reason in the last few months it has gotten really bad. (Probably cause Cale isn't breastfeeding as much but THAT'S a whole other story FML.)...

Anyway, I have these little "baby hairs" in the front that broke a few months ago and WILL.NOT.GROW.OUT! Not kidding, they are like 1 inch long and totally look like horns cause they stick straight up. They are seriously the bane of my existance.

Fast forward to this week. I decided that since the wedding is coming up that I wanted to go back to my natural blonde color so I made the decision to go ahead and make the change. I bought a new kind of dye (one specially for turning a brunette into a blonde) and F...M...L... that shit burned my hair! The color came out okay, but it seriously made my hair feel like straw. And you know those baby hairs I was talking about?!? It made them 10 times worse!!! They now look like I took a lighter and burned them. DAMMIT! I literally had to take scissors and cut them. Now they are soooo short and look awful.

*Imagine having little curly pubes next to your eyes?!*

My hair is a disaster and it's less than 2 months before my wedding! I have a friend who is a cosmotologist who swears by this shampoo system called "Wen" and so I purchased it right away. I cannot wait for it to get here. I need hair CPR immediately.

I also decided I hate the blonde, so now I need to dye it again. GAH!