Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Woo hoo!

My laptop has been shipped out for repair for 3 weeks and I'm SO happy to have it back! We do have another computer but it's packed away for now. We've had to rely on using our cell phones for the internet for weeks and it SUCKED. Especially for Nate who is in school and needs the internet constantly. Anyway, the computer is back and I'm excited I can finally post a blog, even though not much is happening with us lately.

Nate and I have been married 2.5 months now and it's pretty much back to business as usual. We do our best to spend as much time together as we can, but working opposite shifts for 18 months is really taking it's toll. When I was working part time it wasn't so bad, but my job has stopped allowing part time shifts so I had to go full time. There's a similar job up the road that does allow part time shifts so Nate and I are talking about me quitting and applying up the street. We'll see how that goes. Unfortunately I make a lot of money where I'm at and I think it would be a pay cut to go anywhere else.

In other news, Cale is turning 18 months on tomorrow! I can't believe it. He is truely a toddler these days, and only rarely do I get a glimpse of my little baby still in him. Staying true to tradition, here are some noteworthy things about Cale right now:

*He is obsessed with the movie "Cars" and loves anything with Lightening McQueen.

*He has started to form small sentences, although only once in a while. The other day he stared up at the sky and said, "Sky Airplane...WOAH!" - That made me chuckle!

*His doctor appointment is tomorrow, but since we were just in the doctors office for his dislocated elbow (that's another story!) I know he's roughly 23 pounds. He's still a tall, skinny kid although he eats like a pig.

*We are still nursing, though I'd say we are about 90% weaned. He only nurses when he's tired or hurt, or when he just wants to cuddle.

*He hates being inside. I think it's time to throw out all his toys and get a new set of toys cause he gets bored so easily. Many times he puts on my flip flops, hands me my keys and says, "side? side?" (meaning 'let's go outside')

*I'm obsessed with Cale's teeth. They are big and beautiful and straight! He has no gaps in his teeth at all, it's like the perfect set of baby teeth. He's still missing a couple teeth toward the back, but for the most part they are all there and they look so great. Even strangers comment on his pearly whites :) He is so lucky! I wasn't as lucky as a child. Braces were my only saving grace.

*He still wears a lot of 12 month clothing, but he also has 18 month clothing. The hard thing right now is getting him to fit in jeans. 12 month jeans fit him around the belly but they are way too short. To get pants that are long enough he needs 18 month but they fall down around his waist. :/ ....and I can't find a baby belt anywhere!

*He makes the cutest kissing noise when he wants something. --- You know how when you see a dog and you want to call it over to you so you make a little kissing noise over and over? That's what he does, but he does it for everything! If he wants his sippy milk, he makes his kissing noise and runs to get it. Ugh, SO cute.

*He calls his cousin "auntie." And I'll tell you why.... my niece (the first grandchild in our family, who is now 5 years old) has always called me Auntie. It's just who I am to her. Cale absolutely ADORES her and has heard her call me Auntie, so he started saying it too. Now he calls HER auntie and we all think it's pretty funny. Whenever I say, "Wanna go see Cheyna?" He says, "Auntie! Auntie!"

Anyway, that's all I can think of right now.

Last story though...Last week Cale was climbing the stairs outside and began to fall backward. Luckily I was holding his arm so I was able to scoop him up to prevent his fall. Unfortunately I dislocated his arm in the process. Poor Cale was screaming and I was a mess. I felt awful. I rushed him to the doctor who promptly popped it back in, and Cale was back to his old self. It was his first real injury but I'm sure there will be many more to come.