Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cale's 1st Birthday Party!

I am a HORRIBLE blogger. I was doing so well while I was pregnant, but now that Cale is here (and almost a year old!) I haven't been able to find the time. Apparently my last entry was when I was 35 weeks pregnant. Holy cow that seems like a decade ago...and I'm a little sad that I haven't blogged any of Cale's first year. I won't let that happen during his 2nd year! Here's to a new beginning!

Today we had Cale's 1st Birthday Party. It was such a success and he was so happy and excited the whole time. We did the theme of the popular children's book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," by Eric Carle and I literally spent 2 months planning this party. Many of the decorations I made myself and I was so happy that they turned out so well. Here are a few pictures from the big event:

Isn't he so precious!!! This cake took forever to make, but it was all handmade by myself and my mom :) As part of the food that we served, we ate all the fruits that the caterpillar ate in the book: Strawberries, Apples, Pears, Plums, and Oranges...and we dipped them in a chocolate fountain! Yum! The shirt Cale is wearing was made by my mom. It turned out SO cute. He has the best grandma! And......the smash cake!
I think it died....

Cale doesn't turn 1 for 4 more days, but here are some noteworthy things about him at 1 year old:
*He is 20 lbs, and around 30 inches -- tall and lean.

*He has 5 teeth - 2 on bottom, and 3 on top, and they are sooo cute.

*He's got the most adorable toothy smile, but he almost never smiles in pictures.

*He says lots of words: mama, dada, kitty ("key"), fish, please ("peese"), milk ("muh"), more, me, grandpa, grandma ("mah"), tree, ball, and his favorite....cheese.

*He waves "bye-bye" using his entire arm.

*He knows where his belly button is and will point to it and smile when you ask him to.

*He giggles SO hard when tickled.

*He is ticklish EVERYWHERE. (elbows, palms of his hands, hips, and shoulder blades included.)

*When he's hungry, he's starving. And he lets you know.

*He will eat just about anything, although he doesn't like baby food anymore.

*He still loves breastfeeding, and I sometimes think he'll never wean!

*He's not such a great sleeper. Still doesn't sleep all the way through the night.

*He's walking almost full-time and gets into EVERYTHING!

*He loves to empty mommy's purse onto the floor, every chance he gets.

*He blows raspberries with his mouth.

*He loves his kitties, and likes to pull their fur...then cries when he gets scratched.

*In the morning when he wakes up, he will play in his crib for a good half hour making the BEST dinosaur noises to his stuffed animals. This is a riot to watch on the video monitor.

*He's a flirt. Whether she's 8 months or 80 years, he loves him some girls.

*He is not a fan of being in his carseat for too long.

*He loves to play with daddy, but needs his mommy for comfort.

*He loves to brush his own hair and giggles when we brush his teeth.

*He loves balloons.

*He loves foot rubs, and even likes his back massaged with a vibrating massager!

*He hates shoes and socks, and he refuses to leave them on.

*He pinches. Hard.

*He loves to climb the stairs, but doesn't know how to climb down.

*His favorite foods are chicken nuggets, ravioli, chicken nuggets, cheese, cheesy eggs for breakfast, and chicken nuggets!

*I'm pretty sure he thinks he has 10 names. He goes by Cale, chicken, baby man, guero, boo boo, Cale-bear, and many others.

*He got ear infections every few weeks after 9 months and had tubes in his ears at 11 months. So far they have helped tremendously.

*Our favorite Saturday morning activity is to lay in bed, just the three of us, and play together.

*His favorite game is "Where's Cale?" ...our version of Peek-A-Boo.

*He loves to feed the ducks at the park.

*He has beautiful features. He is blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned, and he never tires of hearing how cute he is. :)

*We already see his sense of humor at times. He has a great personality.

*He is often methodical. It's neat to watch him as he figures things out while trying new things. He's so smart and learns quickly.

*He loves to go into another room and shut the door. Apparently he likes his "alone" time.

*Cords....if he sees one, he grabs it. It scares mommy but he thinks it's hilarious.

*His giggle is the happiest sound in the entire world.

*He loves to be thrown up in the air over and over.

*He squeaks constantly. It's his signature sound.