Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend!

I am so excited for this weekend. I got to leave work really early this morning, and I have Monday off, so it's almost a 4 day weekend and we have lots planned!

Tomorrow morning Nate and I are going to our wedding cake tasting. We are excited to be able to design our cake and I can't wait to taste a bunch of samples :) We are planning on doing a different flavor for each tier of the cake, and we definitely want chocolate and red velvet as two of the flavors. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

After the cake tasting we will probably take Cale to the park or Monkey Bizness. Nate and I have been really busy lately with work and wedding planning and we feel like we haven't done something really fun with Cale in a while. We have been wanting to take him to the Children's Museum, so maybe we'll do that!

After that we have an appointment downtown to get our engagement pictures done! I am really excited. Nate and I haven't done a photo shoot with just the two of us since we were 17 years old! We've done lots of pictures of Cale, and we had family pictures done last year, but I am really excited to have some good pictures of just the two of us. (Don't worry -- we'll sneak Cale into a few of them too :)

Sunday and Monday don't have any major plans, but I'm craving some BBQ so I'm going to see if the fam wants to get together for some grilling. That.sounds.delicious!!!

I can't wait for our great weekend ahead!