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Sunday, July 31, 2011

My 1st attempt at "Extreme Couponing!"

I put "Extreme Couponing" in quotations because we both know I'm no expert when it comes to this fact, this was my first attempt, and although I saved a ton of money, I still spent about $20 and I'm sure the pro's could have gotten it all for free! I hope once I get the hang of it all that it will take a lot less of my time and effort. I went to Walgreens first, and just planning that trip alone took like 2 hours. *sigh*

But here's how I did:

These are the products I got today at Walgreens. I started with Walgreens rather than the grocery store because I knew it would be easier.

Basically I matched up items that were already on sale at Walgreens and found coupons that coincide with the sale prices.

For example, Axe Bodywash was $5.49 each, but they were "buy one get one half off," so by purchasing 2 of them, the price was $8.24...BUT I matched that up with a "buy one get one FREE" coupon, which took $5.49 off the price, so I got TWO bottles of Axe for $2.75.
THAT is cool!!!!

I found lots of deals like this today, and eventually only spend $20 at Walgreens....a 73% savings!!!

I continued my shopping to King Soopers for grocery shopping and didn't have AS MUCH success, but I still did well. I saved about $40 on my shopping trip to KS and about $60 at Walgreens, so I saved $100 today!!!

My favorite purchase at King Soopers??

I found a deal where if I bought 4 boxes of cereal I got 2 free gallons of milk...but of course I didn't stop there. I had an online coupon for $.55 off cheerios and $.55 off honey nut cheerios, and also $1 off 2 boxes of cereal (and I used 2 of these coupons since I bought 4 boxes total)....

Final price? $9.00 for 4 boxes of cereal and 2 gallons of milk! AWESOME!!!

I also scored two free packages of dental floss (can't beat free, right?)