Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Announcement! Announcement!

That's right! Those are 4 (count them) FOUR positive pregnancy tests! Nathan and I are having a baby!

For those who are interested, here's the crazy story about how we found out!

On Friday, July 31st, I went to the doctor to get some new medications for my migraines. The medicine wasn't ready at the pharmacy right away so I decided to wait and pick them up the next day. So after work on August 1st, I went to pick up the prescriptions and I noticed that each of them had a warning label on them that said not to take the medication if I were pregnant. I didn't think that I was, but for some strange reason I couldn't bring myself to take the medication until I found out for sure. So I went to the store, bought a test, came home and took it immediately.

To my shock and huge surprise, the test had a faint positive result....well the "positive" line was clearly there in bright pink, but the "control" line (the line that says the test is working) was very light and it was brown in color, not pink, so I wasn't sure if the test was even working right. I freaked out and asked Nathan what he thought the test meant. His jaw dropped! (He didn't know that I had gone to purchase a test.) But we both had doubts about the validity of the test, so I drove to the store again and this time bought a three-pack of tests that were a different brand.

I didn't really have to use the bathroom again that soon, so I was only able to pee enough for one test. The test came out positive in under 5 seconds. I was shaking so bad! It was such a happy/scared/what-am-i-gonna-do feeling, and I didn't know what to do. I went back into the computer room and put the test down on Nathan's desk and told him it was positive. At first I didn't know what to say, but eventually I broke out into tears. Nathan was so supportive. He thought I was crazy for crying. He said "why are you crying? We wanted this!" and I knew he was right, but I also knew there was no turning back. After a few hours of talking about it, I felt better and actually started to get excited.

I started searching the internet for baby stuff. I discovered that at that point I was about 5 1/2 weeks along, my due date would be April 1st (yes, April Fools Day!) and that the Chinese Calendar said I would be having a girl!

The next two days I took the remainder of my pregnancy tests, and both came out positive again. I scheduled a prenatal appointment right away and had my first doctor appointment on August 5th. The doctor confirmed that I definately was pregnant, 6 weeks along, and confirmed my April 1, 2010 due date.

We are so over the moon about this whole thing. We cannot wait to be parents and I can't wait to find out if I'm having a baby boy or girl. I have my first ultrasound on September 1st, and I'll get to see my baby and hear it's heartbeat. I can't wait!!

Side note....for some reason I can't stop calling the baby a "he..." not sure if that's just coincidence or mother's intuition but I have a feeling I'm having a boy, and even though I've wanted a girl my entire life, I actually kind of want a boy now!


**UPDATE** I had my ultrasound on Sept 1 and they realized I was a little less pregnant than we thought, so they changed my due date to April 9th, 2010. The baby was moving like crazy and had a great heartbeat. It's laying on it's side, but here you can see the head, eyes, mouth, arms, and legs:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pictures from Las Vegas!

We got back from Las Vegas a few weeks ago and I've been meaning to post pictures! We really had a lot of fun and it was so nice to get away. Here are some pictures from our trip.

We stayed at the Bellagio Hotel. This is a picture of it at night:

This was the amazing view from our hotel room window!

We got tickets to ride to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It was a really long and really scary ride.

This was the view of The Strip from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Vegas is so beautiful at night!

Planet Hollywood

Of course we had to visit M&M World! For those of you who haven't been, it's a 4 story building dedicated just to M&M's! They have colors and flavors you wouldn't imagine! YUM!

This is the ceiling in the entrance to our hotel. It must have taken months to create.

Botanical Gardens - Bellagio

The pool at the Mirage -- all the swimming pools were like waterparks! So fun!

The hustle and bustle of the Las Vegas streets.

We did so many fun things! We saw "Mystere" by Cirque du Soleil, which was probably one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed, we saw a Penn & Teller Magic Show, we even went to Sigfreid and Roy's Secret Garden where we saw leopards, white tigers, and white lions. It was so pretty.

I could post hundreds of more pictures but I'll spare you. I will just post one more turned out to be very significant! I just may have a secret, but I can't reveal it right now! Stay tuned over the next couple of days.