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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pictures from Las Vegas!

We got back from Las Vegas a few weeks ago and I've been meaning to post pictures! We really had a lot of fun and it was so nice to get away. Here are some pictures from our trip.

We stayed at the Bellagio Hotel. This is a picture of it at night:

This was the amazing view from our hotel room window!

We got tickets to ride to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It was a really long and really scary ride.

This was the view of The Strip from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Vegas is so beautiful at night!

Planet Hollywood

Of course we had to visit M&M World! For those of you who haven't been, it's a 4 story building dedicated just to M&M's! They have colors and flavors you wouldn't imagine! YUM!

This is the ceiling in the entrance to our hotel. It must have taken months to create.

Botanical Gardens - Bellagio

The pool at the Mirage -- all the swimming pools were like waterparks! So fun!

The hustle and bustle of the Las Vegas streets.

We did so many fun things! We saw "Mystere" by Cirque du Soleil, which was probably one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed, we saw a Penn & Teller Magic Show, we even went to Sigfreid and Roy's Secret Garden where we saw leopards, white tigers, and white lions. It was so pretty.

I could post hundreds of more pictures but I'll spare you. I will just post one more turned out to be very significant! I just may have a secret, but I can't reveal it right now! Stay tuned over the next couple of days.

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