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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

As 1st Trimester Comes to a Close....

A part of me would like to say that the first trimester of pregnancy has gone by quickly...and in a way I guess it has considering I didn't know I was pregnant for the first 5 weeks. But man, I'm about to be 13 weeks along and I can't help but think that I still have 27 weeks to go! I just want to meet my baby already! I'm impatient by nature, and have wanted to start a family for so long that I just want him/her to come out asap and be healthy.

What I'm looking forward to: No more sickness!! It's definitely minimized, I'll admit...but I'm still throwing up every time I brush my teeth. It's awful.

Anyway, here's a picture I took of my growing belly this morning. I'm 12 weeks 5 days pregnant, and look like I'm 5 months. It's ridiculous.

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