Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend!

I am so excited for this weekend. I got to leave work really early this morning, and I have Monday off, so it's almost a 4 day weekend and we have lots planned!

Tomorrow morning Nate and I are going to our wedding cake tasting. We are excited to be able to design our cake and I can't wait to taste a bunch of samples :) We are planning on doing a different flavor for each tier of the cake, and we definitely want chocolate and red velvet as two of the flavors. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

After the cake tasting we will probably take Cale to the park or Monkey Bizness. Nate and I have been really busy lately with work and wedding planning and we feel like we haven't done something really fun with Cale in a while. We have been wanting to take him to the Children's Museum, so maybe we'll do that!

After that we have an appointment downtown to get our engagement pictures done! I am really excited. Nate and I haven't done a photo shoot with just the two of us since we were 17 years old! We've done lots of pictures of Cale, and we had family pictures done last year, but I am really excited to have some good pictures of just the two of us. (Don't worry -- we'll sneak Cale into a few of them too :)

Sunday and Monday don't have any major plans, but I'm craving some BBQ so I'm going to see if the fam wants to get together for some grilling. That.sounds.delicious!!!

I can't wait for our great weekend ahead!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


This week has been SO frustrating!

Let me give you a little background:

I have naturally blonde, curly hair which I have straightened for around 10 years. Sometimes I still wear it curly but you have to be a pretty special person for me to let you see it curly. ;) Although I am naturally blonde I have been a brunette for many years now, only going blonde once in a while. I always color my hair myself because for some reason my hair doesn't react well to professional coloring. It always ruins my hair, which is actually okay with me because coloring it myself looks good and is way cheaper!

As for the straightening...The problem with straightening curly hair is the breakage that comes with it. Ugh. My hair is usually pretty healthy but for some reason in the last few months it has gotten really bad. (Probably cause Cale isn't breastfeeding as much but THAT'S a whole other story FML.)...

Anyway, I have these little "baby hairs" in the front that broke a few months ago and WILL.NOT.GROW.OUT! Not kidding, they are like 1 inch long and totally look like horns cause they stick straight up. They are seriously the bane of my existance.

Fast forward to this week. I decided that since the wedding is coming up that I wanted to go back to my natural blonde color so I made the decision to go ahead and make the change. I bought a new kind of dye (one specially for turning a brunette into a blonde) and F...M...L... that shit burned my hair! The color came out okay, but it seriously made my hair feel like straw. And you know those baby hairs I was talking about?!? It made them 10 times worse!!! They now look like I took a lighter and burned them. DAMMIT! I literally had to take scissors and cut them. Now they are soooo short and look awful.

*Imagine having little curly pubes next to your eyes?!*

My hair is a disaster and it's less than 2 months before my wedding! I have a friend who is a cosmotologist who swears by this shampoo system called "Wen" and so I purchased it right away. I cannot wait for it to get here. I need hair CPR immediately.

I also decided I hate the blonde, so now I need to dye it again. GAH!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


"Muk" used to be his favorite thing in the world. This is a sad post for me! I think Cale is starting to wean himself after 13 months of breastfeeding. I've loved every single second of this time I've had with him and it's slowly going away. He still wants to nurse when he needs comfort, and if he wakes up in the middle of the night, and two or three times a day to actually eat, but other than that, he couldn't care less.

The saddest part was last night when I was nursing him, I reached over and grabbed his sippy cup of milk and handed it to him and he actually stopped nursing to suck on the sippy! WHAT THE HECK! I almost cried.

I love that he still wants his mommy for comfort, and at least he still nurses a couple times a day, but I am more than just sad about this whole thing.... I'm gutted.

For those who don't care to see my boobs, don't scroll any further. But for those mama's who know what it feels like to nurse a are some memories of our favorite bonding experience!

^^This one was right after he was done eating...he used my boob as a pillow! ♥ ♥

I hope he decides to keep going for just a while longer!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The 'C' Word.

Is it really that naughty to call someone the 'C' word? Cause I reallllllllllly want to call Nate's sister that right now. This week has been so insane and exhausting and I'm just ready to get it over with and move on with my life!

In December, Nate and I moved into his sister's tiny little basement when she asked us to help her with her mortgage because she was going through a divorce. The agreement was that we would pay her $500 a month flat rate (I know, AWESOME right?!) and we would stay for 1 year. As cheap as $500 sounds, her basement is 500 sq ft at the most, so it's really barely worth the $500, but it's still been nice to have cheap rent. Between Nate's uncle and us, we put in over $3,000 worth of money into this basement to make it liveable, and now that money is going out the window. Today marks exactly 5 months since we moved in and it has been hell. Corra is a disgusting pig. Her house is always filthy, and I mean filthy. She didn't own a vacuum, disinfectant spray, or even a broom when we moved in. It was that nasty. She has a son who is 7 months older than Cale and when he throws his food on the kitchen floor she just leaves it there for days, and eventually Cale picks it up and tries to eat it. SICK. So I went out and bought her a new broom, all new cleaning supplies etc and I have spent hours cleaning up her filth over the last 5 months, only to have her gross it up the same day. I'm so over it! OH - and the nastiest part of all of it, is that when she changes her son's dirty diaper, rather than putting the diaper in the trash outside, she puts it on our front door step until about 10 of them accumulate over the week, and then she throws them out. VOMIT!

She has the audacity to complain about things we do around the house though! It's "okay" when she leaves her filthy stuff all over, but if Cale leaves a toy upstairs she goes ape shit. On more than one occasion I have opened a window to let the house air out on a pretty day and she went NUTS that the windows were open. (Although she leaves them open all the time.)

So finally she texted Nate a few weeks ago and told him that we had to start paying for utilities. I told her hell no and we got in this huge argument. Yesterday it got really bad and we had quite the argument. I told her that I didn't want to live in her nasty house any more and that we were leaving. So Nate and I went and found an apartment yesterday and today we packed up the basement. We are moving Saturday! Good riddance!


There. I said it! :)