Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 5, 2011


"Muk" used to be his favorite thing in the world. This is a sad post for me! I think Cale is starting to wean himself after 13 months of breastfeeding. I've loved every single second of this time I've had with him and it's slowly going away. He still wants to nurse when he needs comfort, and if he wakes up in the middle of the night, and two or three times a day to actually eat, but other than that, he couldn't care less.

The saddest part was last night when I was nursing him, I reached over and grabbed his sippy cup of milk and handed it to him and he actually stopped nursing to suck on the sippy! WHAT THE HECK! I almost cried.

I love that he still wants his mommy for comfort, and at least he still nurses a couple times a day, but I am more than just sad about this whole thing.... I'm gutted.

For those who don't care to see my boobs, don't scroll any further. But for those mama's who know what it feels like to nurse a are some memories of our favorite bonding experience!

^^This one was right after he was done eating...he used my boob as a pillow! ♥ ♥

I hope he decides to keep going for just a while longer!

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