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Friday, January 20, 2012

The Fetus.

About 2 weeks ago we found out our little fetus is a GIRL! We are super excited that we get to have a girl and a boy now! We have had 3 ultrasounds so far and it is so much fun to see her grow. The first ultrasound was just to determine her due date which will be June 27, 2012. The second was the NT Scan, which determines the risk of genetic abnormalities and birth defects (she passed with flying colors, YAY!) and then a couple weeks ago we had an elective 3D/4D scan to determine the sex of the baby. She's all girl and we couldn't be happier.

During the ultrasound, the tech said, "Well, here's three lines, so it's a girl!" and immediately Cale looked up and said "Ohhhhhhh NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" We all died of laughter. He knows what he's in for with a baby sissy.

..."Sissy" is her name for now. Not because we don't have a name - we do, but we aren't telling! I hated all the crappy opinions we got when we told everyone about Cale's name so this time they aren't getting the priveledge of knowing the name until she arrives. Maybe that'll teach them to insult a pregnant lady! Ugh.

(For example...the other night after we found out she was a girl, we all went out to dinner and I told my mom what we were going to name the baby if it was a boy, which was Cohen. She said it was awful and gave Nate a high-five for making a girl so we couldn't use that name...FML. I didn't let her see, but that comment made me cry. She should understand that comments like THAT are why she's not in the 'know' this time. And she wasn't the only one that gave comments like that when I was pregnant with Cale.)

Anyway, moving on...

This pregnancy has been a dream compared to Cale's. With Cale I was so sick that I lost 11 lbs in first trimester, and my heartburn was of the devil. This little girl is very sweet to mommy. She doesn't make me sick hardly at all, and I've been lucky to avoid the heartburn. I hope she's as sweet to me in her terrible two's as she is right now.

I'm 17.5 weeks pregnant right now and I'm excited to approach the half way mark in a couple weeks. On February 13th we will go for the anatomy ultrasound where they check all her bones and organs to make sure she's developing properly. I'm nervous but mostly excited to see how she's growing!

Here are a couple more pictures of her:

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