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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Catching Up.

Is it okay to start a blog if you aren't married or have kids? I don't really know, but I decided to do it anyway. I don't have a very exciting life, but I thought at the very least I could document it for myself and anyone else who might want to check up on me now and then.

So let's catch up! For those of you who haven't heard from me in a long time, a lot has changed!

I graduated with my Associates Degree in 2007, but more importantly, I graduated E.M.T. School! That's right, I'm a State of Colorado certified NR-E.M.T. and it is so awesome! E.M.T. School was so hard, but very rewarding, and I would never take it back.

I was so proud of all my degrees and certificates that I had to display them in the old house:

When I passed all of my state exams my mom was a nerd, and was so excited to tell everyone that her daughter had a medical degree. I immediately got a job working for Northglenn Ambulance right after classes ended, but more about that in a minute...

I'm back in school again, finishing up my last couple of classes so I can finally apply to Nursing School. Hopefully I'll get in right away and not have to worry about a waiting list.

In July 2008, I made a very abrubt decision to leave my management position at TCF Bank, and joined the team at T-Mobile, USA. The decision wasn't easy, and sometimes I wonder whether it was the right one..but the money was right, so that has helped. As far as my E.M.T. career, I also decided to take a hiatus for a while. It was hard to work 2 jobs at once while going back to school, and the money was the deciding factor. (EMT's don't make a lot of money until after Paramedic School.) So for now, T-Mobile is my full-time job, and it's working out pretty well.

"The Natester"....many of you may be surprised to find out that after almost 7 years, Nathan and I are still together! I can't believe it's been so long, but we are happier than ever. I thought for sure we'd be married by now, but I'm fairly certain that will happen soon. There are no solid plans yet (although we are going to Vegas in a few weeks ;).... So we will see. I'm sort of the girl that wanted to be married at age 20, and he was thinking 30, so I think we will meet right in the middle somewhere.

I've also moved around a lot in the last couple years, from an apartment to a house and back to an apartment again. I am still in the boring town of Thornton, and am desperately trying to convince Nate to move with me to Florida. I really want to get out of here and we could easily both transfer our jobs to Tampa, so I'm working on it.

Here's some pictures of the place I've been in since December:

I'm definately not a mama least not to anyone except our two cats, Sophia (whom we call "Puppy" even though she's a cat,) and our new kitten Luca who is now 7 months. Having children is also hopefully in the near future. I need to get that show on the road. My biological clock is definately ticking!

I guess that's about it! I may not have a very exciting life, but it's the only one I've got, and I wouldn't change a thing. I love my life!

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