Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Denver Aquarium

Last week Nathan and I decided that we wanted to check out the Denver Aquarium. We weren't sure if it was a place that adults would enjoy or if it was more of a kids thing, so we decided to bring my 3 1/2 year old niece Cheyna with us just in case.

We started off our afternoon eating lunch at my favorite little eatery downtown, "House of the Commons." It's an English Tea House that is so cute and very authentic. They have the best sandwiches and of course the best tea! It feels like Alice and Wonderland inside. Cheyna was a bit impatient, she wanted to leave and see the "fishies!"

Luckily for Cheyna, the tea house was just a few blocks away from the aquarium, so we drove there right after lunch.

The aquarium was awesome. We were very pleasantly surprised to say the least! Not only was there plenty for her to enjoy, but we loved it too! It was so much fun and a lot more grandiose than I thought it would be.

I took about a million pictures, but here are just a few...

The Coral Reef...gorgeous!!!

My favorite part, the jellyfish.

Nathan feeding the stingrays:

Cheyna got "Gary" from Spongebob painted on her cheek,

and Spongebob painted on her arm!

Cheyna with the sharks!
Not my favorite picture, but the only one we took of ourselves:

It was really a super fun day, and worked wonders for Cheyna's naptime....If you've never been, I highly recommend it!!!

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