Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 22, 2009

Las Vegas!

Nathan and I finally booked our first summer vacation! It's gonna be kinda short, but we are both excited to get away from work and responsibilities, and spend some quality time with each other.

Here's a little about our plans:

We are leaving early in the morning and catching a flight on United Airlines (which I am sooo excited about, I'm obsessed with flying) to our destination of....


We are staying in the fabulous Bellagio Hotel...

...and among other things, we are seeing 2 shows, Cirque du Soleil 'Mystere' and a Penn & Teller Magic Show.

We have so much planned and we cannot we just have to wait! We aren't leaving for another 6 weeks, so the waiting game begins!
And who knows! Maybe I'll come back as "Michelle Carlson!"

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