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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Time is Flying...and not so much...

I am having a hard time deciding whether this pregnancy is going by fast or not. Most of the time I feel like WOW! I'm already over 17 weeks pregnant which means I'm almost half way. And then I think how it's going to be November tomorrow which means in 2 months it will be 2010 and the baby will be due just 3 months later! And then there's the side of me that can't believe I'm ONLY 17 weeks and therefore have 23 left to go. I want to meet my baby so bad, but I also know how important this experience of pregnancy really is, and I'm trying to savor every moment of it.

So here's an update.

*Today I am 17 weeks, 2 days pregnant.
*I'm 90% sure I felt the baby move for the first time last night. It was the sweetest feeling! It felt like fingers tapping on my tummy. I've been waiting for it to happen again so I can decide if that's really what I felt last night.
*I get to find out the sex on November 24th. That's only 25 days away!!!! It's all I think about and I cannot wait!
*We bought our first major baby purchase a few days ago -- The crib! It's adorable and I can't wait for the shipment to come so we can start setting up the nursery!
*I think we've finally made a decision about the names. If it's a boy his name will be Cade Levi Carlson and if it's a girl it will be Hadley, but we haven't chosen a middle name for Hadley yet. We are thinking Alexia.

So here's an updated baby bump picture. I took it this morning. I'm finally feeling more pregnant and less fat. Yay!

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