Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Well, dreams aren't always true!

So, that "dream" I had...that VERY realistic dream where my baby told me to stop calling her a boy?!? Yeah...I was fooled!

That's right....


We had our ultrasound this morning and there was no denying it. We are (very obviously) having a boy! We were shocked! We both thought we were having a girl and were so excited, but he is just a doll. We got a few good pictures, but I still can't wait to get my 3D/4D ultrasound right before Christmas!

My family is so excited to finally add a boy to our huge family of girls.

Here's a couple pictures of our boy:

We love him and can't wait for him to be a part of our little family!

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