Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

5 weeks to go!

So it's the 3rd of March. Baby Cale is due to arrive on April 9th supposedly, but I can't help but be a bit depressed that his original due date was April 1st, so I should technically have LESS than a month left. Instead I have just over a month left and I'm praying he comes soon. We've been busy finishing his room and getting prepared for his arrival. His room is finally done and I couldn't be more thrilled. It's super cute, but it was tough achieving the look I wanted without the ability to paint the walls (dumb apartment!)
Here's how it turned out:

I am just itching for this boy to come out. These days I find it hard to feel rested and Cale's been nice enough to keep his leg and foot caught under my right ribcage for weeks, and I'm uncomfortable to say the least.

About a week ago I went to what I thought was a regular doctor appointment and found out that my blood pressure had started to go up. The doctor was concerned I might be developing preeclampsia so I had to get my blood drawn and do a lovely urine collection for 24 hours (so nasty!) The bloodwork was okay, but I haven't heard yet about the urine test. Hopefully I'll know by tomorrow. If it turns out that I have preeclampsia I will be taken out of work and put on bed rest. If that doesn't get it under control the doctor will have to deliver the baby. I know this sounds awful, but I really wouldn't be disappointed if he were delivered! I am so ready for him to come out, but then again I also know it's what's best for him to cook for a few more weeks, so I'm trying not to be selfish.
I make it through my days by praying that he decides to come a bit early...unlikely, I know, but I've had a few friends who have recently delivered their first babies a week or two early so I'm crossing my fingers! Cale is welcome anytime!

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