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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's been over 7 years...but we're finally doing it!

We're engaged!

Over 7 years and lots of love later, Nathan and I finally decided we wanted to set a wedding date and make our engagement official. I'm so thrilled! We went shopping last week to look at engagement rings, not really expecting to fall in love with one so quickly. But after 3 hours of looking at Shane Co., we found my ring and are absolutely in love with it.

First we chose the band:

Then we chose the diamond:

And this is how gorgeous it turned out:

We are thinking we will get married in July or August this year, and it will definitely take place on the 28th of whichever month we choose. The 28th is very significant for us, since our first date was on the 28th, and our first kiss and becoming an official couple occurred on the 28th of the following month! Since then, several other important things in our relationship have occurred on the 28th (both on purpose and by coincidence,) and so we will be married on that day as well... We are also hoping that Cale is born on the 28th! (of March, of course..he better not come on April 28th!!)

Anyway, we are thrilled. I'm so happy that through everything we have been through together, the good and the bad, the worst and the best times, that we made it through everything even stronger than we were before. I love him with every part of my being and can't imagine a better life partner.

We'll update with wedding and baby info as it comes!

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