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Monday, April 11, 2011

The 17 Day Diet

I have 96 days to go until I am going to be photographed to death at the wedding. I hate the way my body looks, especially my arms. And since my wedding gown is strapless (except a tiny, tiny cap sleeve,) I need to lose some weight and get these arms in shape.

Overall I need to lose at least 50 lbs, but I'd be happy if I could just lose 20 before my wedding day. Still, that's a lot to lose in 3 months! I'm not normally a fad dieter, but I've heard so many good things about the super fast results of "The 17 Day Diet," so I've decided to go for it. I can do anything for 3 months, right?!

I was able to find the book at a great price on E-Bay today (since it's not available in stores,) so I ordered it right away. I can't wait to get started. I'll be updating as I go!

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