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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Mr. & Mrs."

Gah! I can't believe in less than 4 days I will be Mrs. Carlson. I'm so excited, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little sad too. Let me explain... When I first started wedding planning I thought, "Who in the world is crazy enough to plan a wedding in 3 months?!" I thought I was nuts. Now that I've been stressed beyond belief for 3 months straight, I worry that I've really lost all of the "fun" that comes with wedding planning because I've been too obsessed with making every little detail as perfect as possible. Where did all the time go and why didn't I have more fun these last few months?
My best advice to brides-to-be: Plan your entire wedding in 2 weeks. Seriously. The fact is, all brides will get stressed during wedding planning, so why not be stressed for 2 weeks instead of months or YEARS? Before I started wedding planning I thought 3 months was not nearly enough time, but now I realize that a lot of brides do this for A YEAR or more! WWHAT?! No way, no sir. I never intend on being married again, so I won't have a chance for a do-over, but next time a friend of mine gets engaged, THAT will be my advice! Plan it all last minute. Then you have less time to be stressed :)

Oh, and not to mention that we've been battling a bad weather forecast too. The past several days we have experienced intense storms in the afternoon and up until 2 days ago the forecast said my wedding day would be no different...PERFECT for a ceremony and reception held outside in the grass. Dammit! Lucky for us, the forecast has changed, and now it seems like my biggest fear should be the sweltering heat. (Which is a real concern when you are wearing a freakin 30 pound dress!) We've always had a church as a back up venue but it's really ugly and although we have the resources to make is beautiful, I'm really not prepared for that kind of work the day before my wedding. So, whoever reads this, please pray for perfect weather for us!

Anyway, another thing to admit: Nate and I have been at each other's throats this past week. Ugh. I know it's just stress over the last minute planning, not to mention the fact that we are both REALLY burned out at work and so desperately need a vacation. But damn, I never thought my last week as a single woman would be this hard. I honestly can't wait for Saturday, but I also can't wait for Saturday to be over so Nate and I can just relax together, alone, to reconnect after such a stressful few months, and to have 10 days off of work together. We both have to work tomorrow and Thursday, but after that we are off until July 25th!

I'm excited for the party, but I'm more excited about leaving the party together, alone, driving downtown to the Ritz Carlton, enjoying the couple's suite with rose petals on the bed and in the bath tub, breakfast in bed...shall I go on?! BLISS!

It will be our first night leaving Cale though. That's going to be hard.
Anyway, I'm praying I can survive 2 more days of work.

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