Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This brings me back...

This is the song Nate and I will dance to at our wedding. It's an all-time favorite song of ours and through all the stress, listening to this song brings me right back to where I need to be. ♥

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!! Great choice! Good luck...I know whatever the weather will be, you'll look AH-MAZING and your wedding will be perfect. Just from experience...DO NOT worry about anything on the day...let other's worry (MOM, MIL, etc). I started to get bitchy and anxious about us being late in the morning...then I realized that this is MY day so nothing will bother me and I just let everything roll off my shoulders like it was nothing. You know what...if it rains, go barefoot! Don't let things like this bother you because in the end it'll be prefect because you have married the man of dreams! Oh and I demand pics woman!
