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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Good Friends, Good Food!

Nate and I have an obsession with finding the "good" food in our city. Usually the best, authentic foods are in hole-in-the-wall restaurants in the arm pit of Denver. There's this place called "Burbon Grill" that is probably the best food I've had in my life, but it's not even a sit down restaurant. It's literally a little window that you walk up to on Colfax and take the food home. But, man, it is awesome.

Last night we decided we wanted to spend some time with friends so we took them to one of our favorites: "Absynnia," which is an authentic Ethopian restaurant. The restaurant was busier than we've ever seen it, so it took over an hour before we were seated and had food. But as always it was worth the wait!

For those who have never had Ethopian food, you sit around this tiny little table and everyone's food comes out on the same tray. You eat with your hands by picking up your food with little pieces of their homemade bread, "Anjura."

The spices they use to make their food is DIVINE.

We had sucha good night and it was nice to get a break from Cale. He has been driving me a little batty.

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