Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Update on Baby #2

I can't believe we have hit the halfway mark already! I am 20 weeks pregnant now and my little girl is so active. She kicks constantly and I can tell she is getting higher up in my belly. She kicks right under my belly button sometimes -- it's a wonder my belly button hasn't popped out yet! (It never did with Cale either.)

We have for sure settled on her first name but haven't decided on the middle name. There are so many that I like but Nate doesn't seem to want to commit to one yet.

The other day I wanted to start making her name blocks to go above her crib and they are turning out great! I still haven't put the letters on, but here's how they look so far:

I bought 2x4 from Home Depot, cut it into different size blocks, sanded them, painted them, and the covered them with scrapbook paper and ribbon/flowers/lace etc.
I think they are turning out really cute and can't wait to cut the letters out.

Yesterday I was filling out my pregnancy journal for Week 20 and Cale refused to let me do it alone. He had some crayons in his hand and I thought it would be really special to let him draw a picture for his sister. He's going to be such a good big brother.

We have our big anatomy scan on Monday. I will be almost 21 weeks at the time and I'm hoping that everything is normal. I also hope she shows her goods really well because a part of me still doesn't believe it's a girl. I have hardly purchased anything in pink because I'm worried she will turn out to be a boy. (Not that I wouldn't love another boy!)

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