Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 2, 2012

Planning a party.

I am still in denial that my little boy is about to turn TWO! I will be cherishing these next 3 weeks because on March 30th Cale will no longer be my one year old. I'm sad that he's growing up so quickly, but excited too. He's SUCH a funny little boy, and so smart. He's talking so much and constantly shocks me with the things he says. I should give him more credit, he is my kid -- of course he's smart! :)

I've decided to do a vintage train theme for his party. He is obsessed with trains and I'm not the type to do a normal TV character theme party like Thomas the Train or Chuggington. So vintage trains it is, and the decorations are going to be SO cute.

His invites are in the process of being made, but here is a picture of the template:

I think they're cute! The party is on March 31st, so hopefully I can pull it all together in time.

Life is pretty... dare I say...normal? lately. Things are going really well with my pregnancy, and after our anatomy scan a few weeks ago I am confident she's a girl. I am now a little over 23 weeks and can't wait for her to be here!

Here is my growing belly just a couple weeks ago. I get bigger by the minute I think.

We still haven't decided on her middle name, although it's down to 2 choices I think. Nate isn't a fan of one of them, but I wasn't a fan of Cale's middle name at first and I eventually agreed to it anyway -- and I don't regret it. I hope the same will be true with this baby, cause I'm tired of wondering what her name is going to be. At least the first name hasn't changed. I'd be a wreck if we had to start from scratch.

In other news, we are moving. We finally gave 60 days notice to our apartment and our goal is to buy a house. BUT, due to the fact that we will have several thousand dollars in medical bills coming up and me quitting work after the baby is born, plus Nate taking several weeks off work (unpaid) for paternity leave, our finances are about to take a big hit. So my amazing mother and step father have opened their home to us from May-August so we can avoid going into debt during that time and hopefully save enough money to get us into a home. It will be a tight squeeze with 4 adults, a two year old, and a newborn all in one house, but we are very grateful for the opportunity. And I can't lie -- I'm thrilled to have grandparents help full-time after the new baby arrives.

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