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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

29 days to go!

I can't believe there are only 29 more days until our little girl is due to arrive! I've had such an easy, fast pregnancy and it's going to be amazing to be a mommy of 2. I am 36 weeks pregnant tomorrow and only just the past few days I've started to really feel done being pregnant. I'm getting to the point where standing up from a sitting/lying position takes my breath away and I cannot get comfortable at night. Not to mention peeing 3 times a night. It's exhausting to take care of Cale during the day now so Nate has really been a lifesaver.

A couple weeks ago I woke up at midnight to the worst shooting pains in my ribs and shoulder blades and constant contractions. I almost thought I was in labor, but I refused to believe it since I was only 33 weeks along. The pain lasted hours and all I could do was pace around the house while everyone else slept. Eventually I was able to cry myself to sleep. The next morning I called my doctor who wanted to see me right away. After seeing me and determining that I wasn't in labor, she was concerned at how much pain I was still in and she sent me to the ER right away. There, I was given an ultrasound and determined I had gallstones. They told me I would need surgery soon to remove my gall bladder, but that the surgery couldn't be done until after the baby was born.  It was so awesome to see baby girl on the monitor again. It had been a few months since my last ultrasound and she has gotten so big! She looks SO much like Cale did at that stage and I'm just praying she looks like his little twin. I can't help it. I make adorable babies. ;)

Here is a couple recent photos of my growing belly!

In other news, there are about 3 weeks left until Nate and I are out of work. It truely has been a blessing in disguise and we cannot wait to move on with our lives.  We will both be taking several months off work to be at home with the kids and then Nate will start looking for work. I don't think I'll be going back to work any time soon. We will see!

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