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Sunday, June 17, 2012

It's Baby Time!

Today I am enjoying one of the last couple days I will be pregnant with this little girl. A lot has happened these past couple weeks and I'm just ready to have a healthy baby.

When I was pregnant with Cale I started to have issues with my blood pressure going up at the end of my pregnancy which can signify preeclampsia. This is why I was induced with him at 38 weeks. Unfortunately those symptoms have returned this pregnancy and I've had some complications. A couple weeks ago I was sent to Labor and Delivery to check my blood and have some tests run to make sure I wasn't preeclamptic. Thankfully the tests were normal and I was sent home. My doctor advised me that because of the issues I'm having, she would not allow me to go past 39 weeks pregnant before requiring a c-section. I know my patient rights and I know I don't have to consent to anything. But after this past weekend when I was sent to Labor and Delivery again because the baby wasn't passing her movement and heart beat tests, I'm starting to wonder if a c-section this week is the best option. I was really hoping she would come on her own, but so far I'm not in labor, and my appointment is in 2 days. So if she doesn't come before Tuesday, we will have to make an important decision - set up a c-section for this week, or refuse the c-section and allow her to come on her own. Both come with risks and I've been stressing over which is the best decision. I suppose it will be an easier decision on Tuesday after we find out how I am progressing.

I have worked so hard this pregnancy to prepare for a natural, unmedicated, vaginal birth. I've done so much research, hired a doula (which is not cheap at all and not covered by insurance) and done every crazy thing I can do to help this baby come on her own, but my body apparently doesn't like to be pregnant past 8 months. I'm devestated at the thought of having another c-section, but if that's what it comes down to I am determined to make it a much different experience this time than I did with Cale by making some far different choices.

Most importantly, I will watch the entire procedure. I'm not a queasy kind of person, and watching my daughter be born is very important to me. After she comes out, I will make sure everything else is just as normal as it would be if I were having a vaginal birth. I will not allow her cord to be cut until it stops pulsing, she will be laid directly on my chest instead of moved to the warmer, she will breastfeed immediately, and never leave my side. She will definitely not leave the room like Cale did to go get weighed, bathed, etc. This pregnancy I am much more informed about my rights and the different experiences and choices I am allowed to make. I'm excited for as "normal" of a birth as possible - even if they insist on cutting her from me.

Can't wait for baby day!!! It could be any minute now.

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