Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

5 weeks to go!

So it's the 3rd of March. Baby Cale is due to arrive on April 9th supposedly, but I can't help but be a bit depressed that his original due date was April 1st, so I should technically have LESS than a month left. Instead I have just over a month left and I'm praying he comes soon. We've been busy finishing his room and getting prepared for his arrival. His room is finally done and I couldn't be more thrilled. It's super cute, but it was tough achieving the look I wanted without the ability to paint the walls (dumb apartment!)
Here's how it turned out:

I am just itching for this boy to come out. These days I find it hard to feel rested and Cale's been nice enough to keep his leg and foot caught under my right ribcage for weeks, and I'm uncomfortable to say the least.

About a week ago I went to what I thought was a regular doctor appointment and found out that my blood pressure had started to go up. The doctor was concerned I might be developing preeclampsia so I had to get my blood drawn and do a lovely urine collection for 24 hours (so nasty!) The bloodwork was okay, but I haven't heard yet about the urine test. Hopefully I'll know by tomorrow. If it turns out that I have preeclampsia I will be taken out of work and put on bed rest. If that doesn't get it under control the doctor will have to deliver the baby. I know this sounds awful, but I really wouldn't be disappointed if he were delivered! I am so ready for him to come out, but then again I also know it's what's best for him to cook for a few more weeks, so I'm trying not to be selfish.
I make it through my days by praying that he decides to come a bit early...unlikely, I know, but I've had a few friends who have recently delivered their first babies a week or two early so I'm crossing my fingers! Cale is welcome anytime!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's been over 7 years...but we're finally doing it!

We're engaged!

Over 7 years and lots of love later, Nathan and I finally decided we wanted to set a wedding date and make our engagement official. I'm so thrilled! We went shopping last week to look at engagement rings, not really expecting to fall in love with one so quickly. But after 3 hours of looking at Shane Co., we found my ring and are absolutely in love with it.

First we chose the band:

Then we chose the diamond:

And this is how gorgeous it turned out:

We are thinking we will get married in July or August this year, and it will definitely take place on the 28th of whichever month we choose. The 28th is very significant for us, since our first date was on the 28th, and our first kiss and becoming an official couple occurred on the 28th of the following month! Since then, several other important things in our relationship have occurred on the 28th (both on purpose and by coincidence,) and so we will be married on that day as well... We are also hoping that Cale is born on the 28th! (of March, of course..he better not come on April 28th!!)

Anyway, we are thrilled. I'm so happy that through everything we have been through together, the good and the bad, the worst and the best times, that we made it through everything even stronger than we were before. I love him with every part of my being and can't imagine a better life partner.

We'll update with wedding and baby info as it comes!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


It's been a couple months since I've posted, so I figured it was about that time. So much happened at the end of 2009, and I can't say I'm sad it's over. It was quite a stressful holiday and I'm glad to be starting fresh with a new year.

Christmas is usually one of my favorite times of year. I love spending time with family (we have 4 sides of the family to visit!)and Christmas Day is the best! But on December 22nd, my niece's 4th birthday, my mom's husband Jesse took a spill outside on the front porch. He landed on his cane, severely breaking 5 ribs. No one was home, and it was a miracle he had his cell phone in his pocket so he could call 911. The ambulance transported him to the hospital and he was in a great deal of pain. He didn't puncture a lung, which was a miracle, but his accident caused quite a change in our family's holiday plans. Jesse spent over a week in the hospital, and then was transported to a rehab center where he still remains, 15 days later. The rehab center is anything but comfortable for him. They treat him like crap, neglect him when he needs them most, and considering he is completely immobile, it makes life there terribly uncomfortable. My poor mom hates leaving him there and has cried on my shoulder many times about the abuse he endures there. Unfortunately, there isn't much they can do except wait for him to be well enough to come home...which they are hoping will be in the next couple of days.

In the mean time, my mom has been frantic trying to make her house handicap accessable, since Jesse will need to be in a hospital bed in his own home for at least another month. She had someone come in and install handicap bars in the bathroom and shower, and has had loads of support from her Relief Society sisters with meals and house cleaning services. Unfortunately, Jesse just recently started a new job, so he isn't being compensated for any time away from fact, they are worried he could lose his job completely at any time.

Needless to say, Christmas this year was pretty much non-existant with my immediate family. My mom did a great job of having us over a couple days after Christmas (she didn't have to do that) and she put on a happy face for as long as she could, but broke down at the end. I felt so bad for her.

Now that December is over and we are finally in a new year, I am really hoping for a great new start for my mom and Jesse. They've had a rough month.

I can't ignore the good things in life, of course! For those who are interested in a quick update about the baby, things are great! I'm about 27 weeks now, and Cale is crazy active. We changed his middle name to Everett, and changed the spelling of his first name from "Kale" to "Cale." I'm getting so impatient waiting for him to come, but it has been a blast setting up his nursery.

We also just found out that my sister is pregnant with baby #2. Of course the family is thrilled, and I'm excited that Cale will have a cousin just 6 months younger than him. Hopefully it's a boy for Cale to play with!

Despite our crazy end to 2009, I hope that the rest of you had an amazing holiday and made some great New Years Resolutions! What a great way to better yourself than by making goals.

Happy 2010 everyone!!!

-Michelle, Nathan, and baby Cale